As you probably know, passionate guitar enthusiast Joe Bonamassa often goes on “Guitar Safari” in search of incredible and rare vintage guitars for his collection. But sometimes, the guitars come to him.“Treasure” is one of those instances.
Treasure is a gorgeous 1963 Gibson Firebird I that was purchased back in ‘63 by a gentleman named Dan Silverman. Almost a half century later, Mr. Silverman arrived at a Joe Bonamassa show in Portland, Oregon with the Firebird in hand.
Believing that guitars were made to be used and played, Mr. Silverman offered Joe the dazzling beauty that he was no longer using. He wanted Joe to take the Firebird on the road and play it, breathing new life into the veteran axe.
So Mr. Silverman loaned the guitar to Joe long-term. In fact, the loan was so long-term, that it was essentially open-ended. In fact, Mr. Silverman didn’t even want Joe to return the instrument. Joe has kept his word, using Treasure not just on several studio albums but out on the road on songs like “Slow Train”. Joe was so touched by Mr. Silverman’s gesture and love of the instrument that he now regularly gives away guitars that he no longer plays to give them a chance to experience new life too. And Joe hopes that the fans have gotten as much joy from listening to Treasure wail as Joe has had playing the prized instrument.