AXS TV launched season four of 'Rock & Roll Road Trip with Sammy Hagar,' which airs on Sundays at 8pm. The Red Rocker, Sammy Hagar, returns for 12 all-new episodes and hits the road again to hook up with some of his famous musical peers and friends for some candid conversations and cool impromptu jam sessions.
This season features appearances and performances by Willie Nelson, Vince Neil, Charlie Daniels, Maynard Keenan, Eddie Money, Guy Fieri, Robbie Krieger, Joe Bonamassa and many more.
On this episode, they are back in sunny, beautiful downtown Los Angeles, where he has gathered some of the biggest, baddest rockers in the country for “America Salutes You Presents: Guitar Legends 2”. Sammy meets up with Robby Krieger and our very own Joe Bonamassa.
The two discuss the 25 years of six degrees of separation, Bloodline, the best advice he got from the late Phil Ramone, Eric Clapton and Royal Albert Hall, and how PBS embraced Joe as an artist. Another conversation was about old blues guys and who was Joe’s favorite. It’s a fun interview for you to check out!