Joe Bonamassa – His Sirius XM Radio Show - Different Shades of Blue!

Joe is taking over the airwaves and mixing things up with his new Sirius XM radio Show, “Different Shades of Blue with Joe Bonamassa.” It’s on B.B. King’s Bluesville channel 74. He already has over 20 episodes under his belt and a new episode is added each week.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out his show, this is your chance to hear it now. We have pulled some of our favorite sound bites from Joe’s shows and put them together for an epic “Highlight” show!

These highlights include answers to the following questions we all want to know.

Who is the most underrated and underappreciated guitarist and blues singer of all time?

What was Joe’s first concert in 1983? Who was the opening act?

What guitarist is a ruthless competitor when performing on stage?

Wanna know the answers? Then listen to this audio clip and be inspired by the vast amount of knowledge that comes from these awesome weekly episodes.