“About 13 years ago, John Hiatt honored me. He sat in with me at the Beacon Theater for two nights in New York City, and at the end of the second night he came over with his big Gibson guitar and he gives me a big hug and the headstock and the string on the tuner scratched the top of this 1959 Les Paul that I paid $375 for a few weeks before. I’ll never forget that and every time I look at that guitar it brings back such as great memory. “

Beacon Theatre: Live From New York (Blu-ray)

Beacon Theatre: Live From New York (DVD)

Joe Bonamassa: Beacon Theatre-Live From New York (Double CD)

Way Huge Penny Saver Royale Modulation & Overdrive

Dunlop MXR
PHASE 100 Pedal

Dunlop MXR

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